Aajonus’ Bibliography

Here is Aajonus’ list of book referenced in We Want to Live. We highly recommend reading this to deepen your knowledge about the foundation of the Primal Diet. Some of these are out of print or hard to get and we have expanded a list of recommended reading here .

Beauchamp or Pasteur? E. Douglas Hume (CW Daniel Co. 1923, Reprint 1989) Health Research. Available from Price-Pottenger Foundation

Bio-Attack Alert, Theodore A. Strecker, The Strecker Group, 1301 Colorado Bl, Eagle Rock, CA 90041, Eagle Rock, CA (Creation of AIDS and other deadly Viruses)

Bio-Attack Alert Memorandum, Strecker, DVD

Cancer: Disease of Civilization? An Anthropological and Historical Study, Vilhjalmur Stefansson, New York, 1960, the Stefansson Collection, Dartmouth College (numerous reports from doctors on eating raw foods, including raw meat , to prevent Disease)

Confessions of a Medical Heretic, Robert Mendolsohn MD, 1990

Don’t Get Stuck: The Case Against Vaccinations, Hannah Allen, The American Natural Hygiene Press, PO Box 1083, Oldsmar, FLA

Facts About Fat, John Finnegan, Celestial Arts Publishing, Berkley, CA, 1993

Fats That Heal, Fats That Kill, Udo Erasmus, Alive Books, Burnaby, B.C., Canada, 1993

Innoculations, The True Weapons of Mass Destruction; and Causing VIDs: An Epidemic of Genocide, Rebecca Carley MD, 2004

Man’s Correct Diet, R.B. Pearson, Health Research, 70 Lafayette St, Mokehumne Hill, CA 95245, 1921

Native Nutrition, Ronald F. Schmid, Healing Arts Press, One Park St, Rochester, VT, 05767, 1994

Nutrition and Physical Degeneration, Weston A. Price

Persecution and Trial of Gaston Naessens, Christopher Bird, HJ Kramer Inc, PO Box 1082, Tiburon, CA 94920, 1991

Pottenger’s Cats: Case Study in Nutrition, Francis M. Pottenger, Jr.

Race Decline and Race Regeneration, Weston A. Price

Small Pox Vaccine and Aids, Pierce Wright, London Times, May 11, 1987

Stefansson, Open Library

Vaccination- The Silent Killer, A Clear and Present Danger, Ida Honorof and E. McBean, PO Box 5449, Sherman Oaks, CA, 91403, 1977

Vaccination Condemned, Elben, Better Life Research, PO Box 42002, LA, CA 90042