Aajonus brought himself back from the grips of death at the hands of the American Medical Association. He dedicated his
I’ve been experimenting with diet since I was 21 after reading a book called Awaken the Genius. In the book the author explains how to open your mind to reach your fullest potential. At the end of the book he talked about eating a clean vegan diet. It made me realize that something was not right with the way that I felt and it didn’t make sense for me to feel tired after eating. I would catch myself staring and daydreaming all the time. I read the ingredients on the food I ate and it just seemed crazy that I was consuming all these chemicals. I decided to try that and eat as healthy as I knew how at the time for a week to see how I felt.. Back then I ate the same as everyone else, but after eating this way for a week I felt so much better that I decided to eat a vegan diet from then on. I picked up a few books on vegetarianism and learned more.
After 3 years of eating a clean vegan diet I bought a book about eating a Raw Vegan Diet and that made a lot of sense to me so I tried that diet. I only ate raw organic fresh fruit, vegetables, and nuts. Some amazing things happened when I did this diet! All of my senses clarified and became sharp. I felt like I sobered up, a fog was lifted off of my mind, I became more conscious, I felt a sense of depression fade away, I felt an inner peace, and my self-confidence was raised.
But the drawback was that the food I was eating did not have enough calories, fat, or protein to be sustainable. I was very thin and experienced lowered stamina when doing physical activity. My muscles would burn and felt weak when I rode my bike. After 10 months on the raw vegan diet I found that I was hungry all of the time and felt like I could never catch up with my food intake needs.
I began researching raw vegan information to figure out how to solve the issues that I was having. It was recommended to eat more vegetables or nuts or certain combinations of foods, but none of these worked. I searched and searched on the internet and I eventually came across an interview of Aajonus Vonderplanitz online. I liked being vegan so I thought he was crazy haha! I knew I was onto something with this rawfood stuff, I just wasn’t getting results with the vegan path so I thought to myself “Maybe humans are supposed eat meat.” I bought his book We Want to Live in 2005, which describes the Primal Diet, I tried his diet full on. I gained strength, stamina, put on healthy weight, and became more amiable. Plus I maintained all the clarity of mind benefits the I had eating the raw vegan diet.
I have been eating this diet for the last 19 years. Every year I am feeling healthier than the year before it!
– Sam
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Acne, ADD/ADHD, Adrenal Fatigue, Alcoholism, Allergies, Anemia, Anxiety, Arthritis, Auto-immune Disease, Body Odor, Cancer, Candida, Cholesterol, Constipation, Crohn’s Disease, Chronic Fatigue, Dermatitis, Depression, Detoxification, Diabetes, Eczema, Epilepsy, Fibromyalgia, Fungal Infection, Halitosis, Heart Disease, Hypertension, IBS, Insomnia, Kidney Stones, Lyme Disease, Lung Disease, Menstrual Cramps, Migraines, Sciatica, STDs, Thyroid Dysfunction, Tooth and Gum Disorders, Ulcers, Urinary Problems, Yeast Infection, Viruses, VID
Aajonus brought himself back from the grips of death at the hands of the American Medical Association. He dedicated his
The goal of this article is to bring your attention to the environmental toxins that we unconsciously or consciously expose
Aajonus brought himself back from the grips of death at the hands of the American Medical Association. He dedicated his
The goal of this article is to bring your attention to the environmental toxins that we unconsciously or consciously expose
To learn what Aajonus truly said, access his archives, purchase his books and audio recordings, go to Primaldiet.net