
About Tom

Hi, my name is Tom.

My son Hoyt is pictures next to me. I am 57 years old. I have been on the primal diet for about 26 years.

It was introduced to me through a friend who goes by Phoenix now, at a place called Earthaven, (of which I am a founder of) in western North Carolina, where we both lived at the time. Earthaven, an intentional community on 320 acres of wooded undeveloped land , required lots of labor to get underway. Manly tree felling at first. I had the skills for the project from being in construction since a teen. The enthusiasm came from the need for a life style change through an alternative approach. The primal diet was ideal for me (optimal health, more stamina, quick recovery from injury). And no cooking. Which I didn’t want to waste my time on anyway.

Aajonus actually came to visit back in the day. Back then there were more Primals in the community than now.

A highlight of my life is the birth of my son. His mom was introduced to the diet when she met me and included (certain parts) into her diet. Hoyt is a living example of the benefits of the diet. Bottle fed on raw milk. He eats raw eggs and meat. But not always. He’s a thriving young man, and adapts to all kinds of situations. I’m eternally grateful to Aajonus and Phoenix and all those those who are spreading the word. Three epiphanies that have come to me in my midlife are:

1) The myth of contagion 2) the heart is not a pump, and 3) it’s none of my business what you or anyone else think of me.

I can share what I know and how it’s helped me.

Eat fat and be happy.