Aajonus brought himself back from the grips of death at the hands of the American Medical Association. He dedicated his
by Phoenix
I needed oxygen therapy and Albuterol treatments, they said, because I had asthma and allergies.
As a child, I was in and out of doctors offices with fits of wheezing, coughing, difficulty breathing, and difficulty sleeping. They said I had asthma, hay fever, and was allergic to ragweed, pollen, and dust.
My elementary years, I took antihistamines, steroids, antibiotics, and anti-rhinitis pills, and cough suppressants as a preventative.
As a teen, poison ivy and bees stings could be fatal, so I always carried an inhaler and Epi-pin everywhere I went. I was terrified every Spring anticipating fresh, new pollen and dreaded my birthday of ragweed in September. I was told that my body was attacking itself and it would be something I had to live with for the rest of my life.
As I got older, the attacks got worse and the usual medical remedies began to loose effectiveness. At 29-years old, I was a mess physically and emotionally and told a therapist that this was not the way I wanted to live.