raw foods

Aajonus As I Knew Him

More than anyone I have ever known, Aajonus was the most extraordinary person in my life. I had known him longer than anyone I am aware of in the Primal…

What Is The Primal Diet?

The last few years, momentum has been building to revivify the Primal Diet Community. Several clients and students, some of whom, have been dedicated to the diet for 5 to even 25 years, have come together inspired by the newer, eager, younger Primal Dieters, and rekindled the torch of Aajonus. We are ready to pick up and carry the vision of optimal health forward now and into the future.

How to Have Friends and a Social Life While on the Primal Diet

Our last Primal Diet Q&A was more of a support group. Primal Dieters young and old, new and seasoned shared their challenges and victories in staying connected to friends, family, and co-workers as well as dating and schooling.

PD Con Rawsome

Our 1st Inaugural “Eat Fat and Be Happy” Primal Diet Conference Rocked the Rawsome!!! Meeting 35 new people in-person from all over the country, making friends, eating the healthiest food…