January 20, 2025

Detoxify Your Home

The three keys for maintaining optimal health include:

1) Eating live foods

2) Avoiding toxins in our food and environment

3) Avoiding drugs administered into our bodies 

The goal of this article is to bring your attention to the environmental toxins that we unconsciously or consciously expose ourselves to. Our bodies constantly expend energy to evacuate these toxins thus leaving few reserves to help us build new healthy cells. Choosing to avoid these toxins will allow our bodies to build new healthier cells so we continue to get stronger and disease-free.

Toxic Building Materials

Most modern industrial building materials are made with solvents and heavy metals, coated with fire- retardants, drying agents, fungicides, and pesticides. These chemicals are highly toxic and off-gas for months and sometimes years after construction. 

The Catch-22 is that the more natural our homes are, the less longevity they have. If you build with 100% organic material, it will return to the earth in a year without regular maintenance and renewal. 

We suggest making a list of pros and cons for the materials you use in your home. What do you need vs What you don’t?

Focus on mitigating the use of harmful materials. 

Some examples of healthier choices you can make are:

  • Using Black Locust or Cedar which are more rot-resistant for exterior wood projects in place of pressure treated lumber which has many harmful chemical.
  • Use cardboard or recycled newspaper for insulation instead of foam insulation which is highly toxic. Use natural wood finishes, oils, plasters, and paints in place of highly toxic paints, stains and varnishes.
  • Use natural wool carpets in place of synthetic plastic carpets that off-gas toxic gases. Cement without fly which off-gases radioactive pollution.
  • Consider energy-efficient heating and cooling choices like passive solar, radiant heat, and natural air ventilation.
  • Proper fuel exhausting so the inhabitants are not breathing the fumes from propane, natural gas, coal, or wood smoke.
  • Reducing the emfs by limiting the amount of electronics, wifi and locating power control centers away from living and sleeping areas.
  • Second-hand smoke and unhealthy roommates are environmental toxin as well.

Learn more about how to create healthy living spaces from the Building Biology Institute.

Toxic Cleaning Products

Almost all commercial products are petrochemicals and the Trade Secrets Act makes accurate labeling almost impossible. Use Environmental Working Group and Green Seal as a product guide for healthy cleaning products. 

Ask yourself, can you eat it?

It might seem silly, but if you can’t, it is toxic to our bodies. 

Readily Compostable vs readily Biodegradable is an important distinction.

Biodegradable is substandard and only means that the product breaks down into small particles in the ground. Compostable is what you want because it means that the the product completely breaks down to its elemental parts and becomes soil.

Most all household cleaning projects can be handled with either lemon juice, raw apple cider vinegar, borax, or baking soda, or just plain water. 

When dealing with solvents, ammonia, Mineral Spirits, alcohol, and Citrisolve are the least toxic. Be sure to wear gloves and masks when using these. 

Here’s a few brands of cleaners that are healthier: Branch basicsEcosRubio MonocoatArm & Hammer laundry detergent (perfumes & dye-free), 7th generation, Mrs. MeyersEcover dish soap without dyes.

Bake eggshells to grind up into powder to use as an abrasive for cleaning. 

Essential oil air fresheners are better than heavy fragrance products, however, even these should be used with caution.  

Toxic Cosmetics and Personal Hygiene Products

Many petrochemicals and undisclosed ingredients. Avoid body soaps with dyes, unnatural fragrance and bleach. Use natural organic Use EWG Healthy Living App to use as a guideline.

Ask again, can you eat it?

Biodegradable soaps, shampoos, oils, lotions on your skin such as vanilla extract, lemon juice, rosemary oil as perfume. Green juice with egg milk honey apple cider vinegar blend for shampoo. Eggs alone make a good shampoo. Coconut cream or Apple cider vinegar conditioner. 

Some healthy brands: Grandma’s Lye SoapDr. Bronner’s Pure Castile Soap Unscented.

Infant Care 

Use organic unbleached cotton or biodegradeable diapers. 

Baby Wipes aren’t biodegradable. Most contain Vitamin-E or Glycerol. WaterWipes, contain grapefruit seed extract and benzalkonium chloride. Benzalkonium chloride is a human skin and severe eye irritant, respiratory toxicant, immunotoxicant, gastrointestinal toxicant, and neurotoxicant.

Make your own wipes with organic cotton T-shirt scraps and natural spring water.

Good Brand Ecoriginals 

Clothing, Carpet, Drapes, Children’s Toys, and Furniture

Use natural wood, bamboo, and natural fibers such as wool, linen, cotton, and silk with no synthetic materials and fire retardants. Synthetic fibers shed and we breathe these into our lungs. It’s very difficult to get plastic lint out of the lungs. 

Food Processing and Storage

Avoid BPAs and BPA-Free which is irrelevant because its a substitute plastic liner and the replacement maybe more unsafe because there is no research on them. If you are going to use plastic use the harder, opaque plastics rather than clear and thin plastics. Aajonus recommended Lexan (polycarbonate) as on eof the most stable plastics. The least toxic storage containers are glass and clay. And, nothing is completely safe except buffalo hides. Even glass has cobalt in it. Clay products might have heavy metals in them. Stainless steel- Zinc added to iron, possibly aluminum. Best cooking surface is ceramic, glass, and cast-iron. We recommend using plastic temporarily and getting it out and into glass or ceramic as soon as possible. 

Safe Cutting Boards (Aajonus Vonderplanitz) 

Many cutting boards are glued together and use formaldehyde-based glues. Cutting on those boards release glues and the polymers into your food that harden them dissolve in our digestive tracts. “Food-grade glue” is a misnomer and fraud. There are no food-grade glues that are completely non- toxic. Plastic cutting boards are made of many toxic compounds especially carcinogenic PCBs and dioxins that go into our bodies and release into the environment. Safe cutting boards would be boards made of one piece of hard wood you can get at a lumber store. Here’s a recommended store brand Cedar Grilling Planks

Recommended Ball Jar Lids (Aajonus Vonderplanitz) 

I recommend the lids with slightly dark white enamel inside and are PBA-free. If they’re gold looking or white looking, then they’re coated with a plastic. The ones who sell the Ball jar lids say they’re plastic, but I’ve scraped and examined them under a microscope a dozen times and I don’t see anything but enamel. On the ones that are metal inside, I scrape and can see plastic every time. I think people selling both Ball and Kerr products are ignorant about the products. “ Click here to learn how to recognize BPA-free from other white lined lids  

Toxic Relationships 

Mental well-being can be affected by clutter. Too much use of devices and electronics can cause disruption for mood and sleep, so minimize their use. Don’t try to change peoples minds, you don’t have to agree, but accept that people have certain beliefs for a reason. Trying to convince someone can create conflict, intensity, anxiety, and stress. Accept people and their ideas from who they are and find other more compatible people with whom to communicate, live and co- create.  

Water Purification (Aajonus 1-9-2007)

“A Three-tier system is best. A canister 3 feet high, 10” or more diameter. The first one should be paper like a HEPA filter. The next one should be carbon from coconut shells. The last one should be untreated sand. I don’t want paper at the end, as some of the most atrocious chemicals in the world are used to produce paper – even HEPA [an acronym for “High Efficiency Particulate Air” or “High Efficiency Particulate Arrestance”] filters. Tier filters like this: 1) paper, 2) coconut carbon, and 3) sand filter. Install in that order.” 

Water Filters  Whole House  Aquasana  

Best Air Purification



(Keep air purifiers 6 feet away from your body to avoid receiving EMFs)  

EMFs – Radiation – Dirty Electricity – Electronics – Lighting

EMFs – are present in ALL A/C electric wires, higher voltage fields and are attracted to conductors, including our bodies. WHO IARC classified electric and magnetic fields as Group 2B possible carcinogen, Ideal limit is <.3V/m (potential free) or body voltage <10mV. Health concerns include – increased cancers (childhood, leukemia), physical reactions in the nervous immune, and endocrine systems, insomnia, and depression. 

Magnetic Fields – present on energized electric water, difficult to shield, passes through materials, ideal limit<.2mG. Possible Group 2B carcinogen WHO IARC. Increased incidence cancer, physical reactions, cellular functioning interference, Alzheimers, birth defects, miscarriage. 

Radio Frequencies – Pulse modulated microwave radiation, nonionizng, not safe, ideal limit I s<10uW/m^2. WiFi, Bluetooth, 2g-5G, smart devices, cars. Increase risk of brain cancers, blood brain barrier permeability, genotoxicity, sleep, SDHD, depression, tinnitus, physical reactions in sensitive individuals. 

Micro surge electrical pollution (aka dirty electricity) – a disruption in 60Hz natural electronic freq, >25mV or less. This includes: SMPS, dimmer switches, smart meters, energy efficient appliances/lights. Can contribute to nosebleeds, insomnia, autism, neurological issues, MS, anxiety, diabetes, physical reactions in sensitive individuals. 

EMF Reduction strategies:

Shielding, turn off circuits, distance, ensure no wiring errors/NEC code violations, hardwire. 

Electro-health and energy devices- magnets, harmonizing stickers, grounding pads, rocks, frequency generators – mostly do not work.

Problems with electro-health issues- More is not always better, non-reproducible results, mental placebo effects while still exposed to physical effects.  

Many Chronic Illnesses are caused or exacerbated by EMF’s, RF’s, and Dirty Electricity 

Things you can do to help yourself: 

  • Get rid of all cordless phones.
  • Turn off WiFi at night (even better, turn it on only when using it.)
  • Unplug Roku when not using.
  • Wire all printers, mouses, keyboards.
  • Use incandescent light bulbs. The only safe LED light bulb is made by FEIT: model # BPAG500 DM.
  • Never use those curly-cue light bulbs.
  • No dimmer switches.
  • Opt out of Smart meter.
  • Turn off cell phone or put in airplane mode at night when charging it.
  • Do not wear cell phone on body.
  • Turn the WiFi feature on your cell phone OFF. Only turn it on when you are in a location that has WiFi, and you are going to use the WiFi NOW to go on the internet. Then turn it OFF again. All the time that the WiFi feature is on, it is sending out signal that bombards you.
  • Turn off the Bluetooth feature on your cell phone. Do not use it.
  • Do not accumulate SMART homes, cars, products.
  • Try not to live right next to a cell tower. Try not to live in an apartment or condo (many WiFis and smart meters all close together.)
  • Avoid having an electric alarm clock next to your bed. They do not have filters, and put out dirty electricity.
  • Stay away from CT Scans, MRIs, and Xrays 


Full Spectrum Incandescent Light Bulbs – Chromolux

Safe LED light bulb is made by FEIT: model # BPAG500 DM. https://daylightcomputer.com

Blue light glasses

Earphones (airtube-EMF free) Ethernet adaptor for iphone

Swiftglass.com Float-glass made with soda-lime

Interview – Dr. Barrie Trower, Germany, Microwave Navy expert-5G 

Click Here to read: How Electromagnetic Fields Affect Us, Aajonus Vonderplanitz, Primal Diet newsletter, July 10, 2016 )  

Raw Food Remedies for damage from EMFs, Mfs, and Dirty Electricity from this article: 

“The 100% Primal Diet, I have observed, helps to gradually improve ionic imbalances within 6 months. 

Consuming a vegetable-juices mixture of 30% celery, 20% carrot, 5% cilantro, 5% parsley, 5% zucchini, and 35% cucumber puree helps facilitate ionic balances. To make this juice/puree mixture, first juice everything but the cucumber. Then peel and slice the cucumbers, and blend them in a canning jar with enough vegetable juices to fill the jar. Add a little honey for preservative and blend. 

To decrease ionic restoration-time, two primary restorative therapies should be utilized: 

1)  Daily lying on healthy ground for minimum of 40 minutes for 4-8 weeks, and/or 

2)  Daily long baths in healthy water for a minimum of 40 minutes for 6-8 weeks. 

When lying on ground, a cotton, silk or wool blanket or towel may be used. Lying on sand such as at a beach or desert also helps to re-balance our ions. (If bathing in municipal waters, adding 1¼ – 1¾ cups raw milk, 3 T. raw apple cider vinegar and 2 T. sun-dried sea salt will neutralize the many industrial toxins in municipal waters.)

However, even with all those therapies, the original and perfect ionic balances may never be completely achieved because our bodies have been bombarded by non-organic ions which have become part of our bodies.

I have been told by several electronic engineers that it would be as easy as using transistors instead of capacitors to remedy the high EMF problem. For most products, the  the  cost  per  item  would  increase  about  50  cents  to  $1.”

Aajonus suggested the Tri-Field meter because it measures 3 different fields: electromagnetic, electrical, and radiation (such as measuring cell phone levels). “Many times I would have accepted hotel rooms that were extremely high in EMFs and I would have been bombarded throughout my nights and days. I measure hotel rooms and if EMFs are high, I asked for another room. If no other room is available, I change hotels.” 

We Recommend Scheduling a Specialist

Hiring a specialist with high caliber equipment will assess your home of work place in a detailed manner for discovering the specific issues your home has. 

No two homes have the same problems. The fixes are tailored to your environment. You will not get everything right until everything is checked with meters, and every problem is found and addressed. 

Mike Chatten, Hazel Solutions – Certified Building Biologist, mike@hazelsolutions.com

Kim Williams – Primal Diet and Home Health Coach 

Nuclear Radiation

Recent conversation has been about, What if a nuclear crisis occurs? The mainstream and alternative remedy is to stock up on iodine tablets. My recommendation is to prepare yourself ahead of time by eating a healthy live foods diet to include raw meats and plenty of raw fats. And, in the event it happens, get in your car immediately, drive 500 miles away, and don’t look back. 

The theory around supplemental iodine is to preserve our thyroid gland. Supplemental iodine is toxic and destroys the thyroid glad. If you are wanting to help support thyroid health eat large quantities of raw unsalted butter, raw chemical-free, soy-free eggs, and raw oysters from clean oceans.  

Resource List

Primal Diet Coaching: Resources: Products

Detoxify Your Home, Kim Williams – Primal Diet Conference 2024 

Healthy Living (Environmental Working Group – EWG) app Invisible Rainbow, by Arthur Firstenburg

Disconnect, The Truth about Cellphone Radiation, by Devra Davis

Earthship Biotechture

Natural Building at Earthaven 

Photo Credit: Image by Harry Strauss from Pixabay