January 23, 2025

We Want to Live

Aajonus brought himself back from the grips of death at the hands of the American Medical Association. He dedicated his life to researching and teaching others to live a life without disease through nutrition and natural living. Others came before him, like Antoine BeChamp, Gaston Naessens, Weston A. Price, Francis Pottenger, Vilhjalhmur Stefansson, Edward Howell, Judith DeCava, Theodore Strecker, Robert Mendelsohn, Ronald Schmid, Samuel Epstein, Annie Riley Hale and many more not to mention entire cultures of humans across the globe for the last 100,000 years who recognized that the keys to health are 1) eating raw animal products with live bacteria and active enzymes 2) avoiding manufactured non-foods like sugar, salt, white flour, coffee, and sodas and 3) avoiding toxic chemicals either added to our food, the food chain, or direct exposure from herbicides, pesticides, chemtrails, EMFs, vaccines, drugs prescribed or recreational, radiation, automobile and heating and cooling exhaust, etc.

Aajonus put it all together more concisely and proved through empirical experimentation, unbiased and altered, unlikePharma-funded pseudo-science, that the Primal Diet by Aajonus Vonderplanitz works to reverse disease. Nobody else has done this and nobody else has succeeded in doing this against the control and power of the Medical Church of America.

The first half of We Want to Live contains Aajonus’ life story embedded in the story of saving his son’s life by swapping the IV medication in intensive care with raw butter and raw honey. In the second half, Aajonus explains the fundamentals of the raw animal foods diet to include raw meats, raw fats, raw dairy, raw honey, raw bland fruits, raw citrus, and raw vegetable juices.  He also gives explanations to what actually causes disease and gives detailed raw food recipes as remedies to just about every disease you can imagine. The last section of the book is a review of the pros and cons of other alternative healing practices, most all of which he gives a thumbs down, except for hot baths, chiropractics, light massage, Hatha yoga, breathing exercises, positive thinking, pursuing creative outlets, fresh air, and sunshine.

Aajonus created, lived, and healed thousands of people with his Primal Diet. He was a true Renaissance Man and, in my opinion, one of the most qualified humans to receive the Noble Peace Prize more so than many of the clowns who have been given this highest honor.

Everything that you need to know about reversing disease and creating optimal health is contained in We Want to Live.

Aajonus repeated himself in every workshop, “go back and read We Want to Live once a year and you will discover something new that you had overlooked the last time.”

I just finished re-reading We Want to Live and did find some new pearls of wisdom especially a deeper understanding of how humans have not evolved enough to genetically be able to metabolize cooked meats, fats, vegetables and fruits yet. The introduction of cooked foods is so new to humanity that it will take thousands of years to evolve to that point. Until then, humans will continue to experience the ill-effects of cooked food. I also heard more clearly Aajonus’ confidence being challenged as he healed his son along with his humanness feeling all the same feelings of fear, anger, guilt, and joy that we all experience. He was a rebel, a hero, a healer, and a human with a big heart.

This month, we are inviting you to go back and re-read We Want to Live or if you have not read this significant work, read it now. To encourage you to do this, we are offering a discount price on We Want to Live, as well as ALL of Aajonus’ works on PrimalDiet.net. Take advantage of this special and build your library to include Aajonus’ timeless audio and video recorded workshops and Q&As, with the most effective and successful healing materials on the planet.

Next month, I plan to re-read The Recipe For Living Without Disease and each month throughout this year will re-read and listen to all of Aajonus’ works along with all of the resources Aajonus’ listed in his bibliography. I invite ya’ll to go on this journey with me, as we increase our “Knowing” about what truly keeps humans and the planet in an optimal state of health.

As Big Pharma and the WEF continue with their agenda to make the planet “civilized”, monetized, mechanized, and robotic, we need to arm ourselves with direct “knowing” of the truth, the tools, food resources, and vitality to build astrong grassroots, underground movement that we know will preserve the future for our children and our children’s children.

As Aajonus said, “Health is the basic gift of all life…as the sun shines on everybody.”

We also wish this on you and every human, as we believe that the path to harmony and world peace begins with healing our bodies, then our minds, and our hearts.

In Optimal Health,
Phoenix and the Primal Diet Coaches