Aajonus brought himself back from the grips of death at the hands of the American Medical Association. He dedicated his
by Phoenix
Fresh raw green vegetable juices provide more than the necessary vitamin-, enzyme-, and mineral-supplementation that is necessary to help regulate body salts lost in daily activity, increase oxygen absorption, remove plaque from arteries and intestines, eliminate toxicity from the liver and other glands, provide proper blood alkalinity, and decrease lymphatic congestion.
Drinking green juice 2-4 times a day, but not in combination with other foods, helps neutralize acidic compounds in the blood that contribute to lethargy, irritability, cravings for too much fruit and cooked starches and a repulsion towards meat leading to malnutrition.
Green juice is a much healthier way to stay hydrated and take in electrolytes than Gatorade and all those other new age hip sport drinks.