Aajonus brought himself back from the grips of death at the hands of the American Medical Association. He dedicated his
**Call 911 if you are uncertain of the level of care needed.**
**If you suspect a spinal injury do not move, immobilize and call 911.**
See American Red Cross current guidelines and take take the course so it comes naturally to you. Click here.
Stopping the bleeding is the first important step, suturing the wound maybe not be necessary unless you are worried about scarring. Without suturing there maybe more scarring where the wound is.
It is best to use a natural material such a cotton bandanna or even nori seaweed. You can put raw butter on it to keep it from sticking. Tie it tight enough to stop the bleeding but not cut off the arterial pulse.
To stop bleeding and dry out a wound use a mixture of dry clay and unheated honey. Best clay to use is Terramin, Aztec, French green, in that order. Wet clay will work too but for external use in wound dry clay works best.
Deeper wounds and cuts can be scary. In some instances going to the hospital may be necessary, but a good resource is having a veterinarian, retired medical, military, EMT, in your contacts who can help with suturing wounds. Be advised if a wound is deep into the muscle, it is best to heal the wound inside out. You do not want the skin closing up before the deeper inner wound has not healed yet. Suture the damaged muscle back together before closing the skin.
Unless your wound has come into contact with some toxic chemical (like asphalt, chlorine, solvents, etc), it is not necessary to wash it out. If it has, cleanse with lime juice.
For smaller cuts and scratches, urine, honey, or saliva can be applied topically to stop bleeding and heal the wound.
A quick PSA to all who use an Oster blender with ball jar attachments- please use extreme caution when operating. It is a good idea to house the blender in a box to prevent shrapnel in the event of an explosion. At least use a thick towel to cover the glass when blending in the event of an accident and replace jars every 5 years.
Eating avocados and fresh raw aloe vera gel directly from the leaf for several days helps soothe burned cells and eliminate scars.
SUNBURN: topically apply the Primal Facial Body Care Cream from the book The Recipe For Living Without Disease, or make a mixture by stirring 2 tablespoons fresh raw aloe gel (best taken directly from leaf), 1/6 teaspoon fresh royal jelly, . teaspoon sun-dried powdered clay and 1 teaspoon stonepressed olive oil. Or simply apply raw egg white to sunburn. Any of those will often make sunburn disappear magically. They quickly soothe and heal other first degree burns. They increase relief and healing to second-degree burns.
Another remedy for sunburn is to bathe as soon as possible in a bath with at least 1 cup of raw unpasteurized apple cider vinegar and, if available, 2 cups raw milk stirred into the bath water. Then, very gently rub plain raw kefir, raw milk, or egg white into sunburn every 2-6 hours and let it stay on the skin. That soothes the skin and relieves pain.
SECOND AND THIRD DEGREE, OR DEEPER BURN OR ABRASION may be quickly healed WITHOUT skin-grafts. First, remove as much burned tissue or
dirt-filled abrasion as possible and (p.236 Volume Two We Want to Live – The Primal Diet) apply a thin layer of unheated honey over burn or abrasion. That may cause 2-5 minutes of intense stinging. Over the layer of unheated honey, apply a thin slice of raw beef and cover with a damp cotton cloth to prevent the meat from drying quickly.
Then wrap a bandage to hold the meat and damp cloth in place. Remove the dressing and reapply the same way every 24 hours for 2 days. On the 3rd day, eliminate the honey layer and continue to apply raw beef, damp cloth and bandage every 24 hours for at least 14 days.
If pus appears in areas, clean those areas before reapplying the layers. Do not let the wound dry between applications. Usually, if a person has been following the Primal Diet for 2 or more years, a third-degree or deeper burn or abrasion will heal in approximately 3-4 weeks. If a person has recently begun eating the diet, it may take as long as 4-6 weeks to completely heal a serious third degree burn or abrasion.
James had been on the diet approximately 6 years when he was in a truck accident. His skin was scraped from his right wrist to nearly his shoulder. The abrasion was deep enough to expose his muscles, and in some areas his tendons. He instinctively designed and utilized the procedures in the above paragraph for 14 days. In 14 days, his body completely refilled the abrasion with healthy live cells without skin-grafts.
After three weeks, I witnessed that the abrasion looked as if it had never occurred. The skin looked slightly pinkish at the spot that had been scraped deepest. There was no scar whatsoever.
This proved to me that medical treatment for burns and abrasions was harmful, disfiguring, physically and psychologically crippling, expensive, and in many serious cases caused long-term pain from skin-grafts and scars.
These plants create itchy skin rashes that ooze when those their oils contact the skin. They do not bother everybody. Those easily vaporized oils land on the skin or enter the respiratory system and burn the skin, causing blisters that ooze, itch and seem to spread. The body absorbs, dilutes and distributes the oils over the largest area necessary to exhaust the volatility of the oils. The way to remove the oils is to absorb and dissolve them.
Firstly, rubbing raw unpasteurized apple cider vinegar into affected and surrounding areas helps neutralize the oils.
Secondly, applying clay thickly to affected and surrounding areas, letting it dry and rinsing helps draw the oils from the skin.
Thirdly, the Ayurvedic and tribal healing approach works best: Rubbing your urine onto the affected and surrounding areas once or twice daily and leaving it on all day and night usually subdues irritation and heals the condition.
Urine, with its ammonia and proteins, helps dilute and neutralize the oils that have penetrated deep into skin. Fourthly, 1.-2 hours after urine has been on the skin, applying the Primal Facial Body Care Cream helps further neutralize the oils, and soothe and protect the skin from additional burn.
see the book The Recipe For Living Without Disease, Chapter 15.
Taking care of insect bites or poison ivy is a similar process.
See WWTL page 279 for alternative treatments like raw corn on the cob, nutmeg, and mustard, and mineral water.
If a poisonous bite, apply shredded fresh beets, lime juice, and sun-dried clay. Aajonus also recommends coffee grounds, lime, and clay. Never take coffee internally, only topically.
If you have an anaphylaxis reaction to a bite or sting, stay calm, breathe slowly, and call 911. If you are alert, instruct the paramedics to just observe you and not administer any oxygen or epinephrine unless your airway is completely blocked and you are turning blue allowing your body to develop its own healing process.
Fractures are not usually an emergency unless they impale the thoracic or abdominal cavity or cut off arterial bleeding or breathing. In the case of a sucking chest or abdominal wound, try to replace the organs back in the cavity and place a seal of butter on a piece or plastic or leather over the opening and wrap a dressing to hold it in place. Do not remove the impaled object and call 911. Simple fractures and dislocations can be reset and immobilized on your own or by a calm, courageous friend. If you are uncertain call 911.
A mixture of cayenne pepper powder and olive oil may be applied to the affected area along with deep tissue friction on the area helps to soften and restructure the connective tissue.
In general, you will heal quicker and have less of a reaction to bites and stings if you are on the Primal Diet. Your healing process will work optimally.
Toxins will be evacuated more quickly and do less harm. Even a venomous snake bite and will do less damage. So, the best First Aid, can be prevention. When eating a healthy Primal Diet, your mind will be more nourished and alert and will be able to react quicker with more discernment in dangerous situations. You will be able to sense and avoid dangers before they come.
In the event of an emergency that requires first aid, first use natural ingredients and avoid painkillers, X-rays, and antibiotics unless it is life threatening. In which case, trust the emergency medical team to keep you alive and you can detox
the drugs and radiation after you recover from the trauma.
Getting your body healthy on the Primal Diet will improve your thinking, your reflexes, and your response time. With a healthier body, you will not react as severely to injury and insult and you will heal more rapidly.
Modern emergency medicine is superb in this country. Take a CPR class. Learn to swim. Take lifeguard training. Trust and use 911 to keep you and your loved ones alive. You can always detox the meds later when you recover.
Support your child’s innate self-preservation skills, reflexes, and responsiveness by feeding your children the Primal Diet and support them to explore and develop kinesthetic abilities. Read Continuum Concept, by Jean Liedloff to learn how primitive cultures nurtured these skills in children.
Enroll your baby in this wonderful program Infant Swimming Resource and teach them survival skills and confidence from the start.Prepare yourself and your family. Practice. Learn from EMTs. Watch and mimic nature.
So, when game is ON, everyone knows what to do and does it.
The Primal Diet Coaches
Honey as a Dressing for Wounds, Burns and Ulcers: A Brief Review of Clinical Reports and Experimental Studies, published in Primary Intention Vol 6, no 4 December 1998, P.C. Molan Bsc PhD, Honey Research Unit, Department of Biological Sciences, University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand