How to Have Friends and a Social Life While on the Primal Diet
Our last Primal Diet Q&A was more of a support
Dr. Gerard F. Judd, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus, Chemistry, who dedicated his life to dental health and the effects of Fluoride, stated that 30% of American youths between the ages of 8-10 have no cavities, and 100% of Ugandan youths ages 6-10 have no cavities. Ugandan youth’s teeth are 3 times better because they do not consume processed acidic foods, have no fluoride in their drinking water, eat regular meals rather than sipping acidic drinks all day, such as soda pop, have more calcium and phosphate in their diet, and have fewer dentists to cause more damage to teeth.
However, Dietary causes are only part of the picture.
Cavities are caused by abrasive unnatural acids and gum secretions composed of heavy metals, industrially produced byproducts, and toxins. We absorb these from our air, water, cleaning compounds, food additives, preservatives, pesticides, herbicides, and industrial fertilizers.
Our brains and nervous systems use large amounts of metallic minerals to transmit and relay electricity and light for neurological functions. Consequently, the brain and nervous system contain very large quantities of metallic minerals. Since we live in a polluted environment and eat cooked food, our brains and nervous systems contain very large quantities of destructive free-radical heavy metals and chemicals that magnetize to those metals. Our bodies try to discard (detoxify) those compounds that are stored in the brain and head mainly through gums, tongue, and salivary secretions.
There is much misinformation about fluoride. Fluoride is harmful not only to teeth but the entire body. It has been linked with 114 ailments. Fluoride is more toxic than arsenic and fluoride overdoses have resulted in many deaths. The mechanism for destruction of enzymes by fluoride has been proved by xray studies showing that hydrogen bonds are broken by fluoride.
Dr. Judd stated that if the forecast of 80% dental improvements with the use of fluoride were true, by age 13 each American would have only one cavity. However, dental literature states that Americans aged 7 average 13 cavities, 25% of Americans over 43 have no natural teeth and the rest average 32 cavities, and 42% of Americans over 65 have no natural teeth and all of the rest have cavities in all remaining teeth.
Fluoride is the smallest negative particle on Earth. Fluoride particles are so small and intensely negative, they interfere with the hydrogen bonds that hold enzyme coils in place. Fluoride particles destroy enzyme molecules at very low concentrations, around 1-3 parts per million. Those enzymes are often 3,000 or more times smaller than fluoride. The effect is ruinous, destroying at least 83 enzymes.
Cooking destroys the natural bonds of bio-active organic vitamins, enzymes, minerals and other nutrients that help to grow plant and animal tissues. The destruction of those bonds releases the metallic minerals as free-radicals which often cause cellular destruction, mutation, and cellular death.
Most often, our bodies utilize great quantities of calcium and other minerals to absorb and neutralize the abrasiveness of toxic compounds mentioned above. When those compounds combine with calcium and other minerals, the combination too often dries and adheres to our teeth.
This is called plaque.
If the calcium and other minerals do not completely neutralize those abrasive compounds, the plaque will damage enamel on our teeth.
Once dentin is compromised, often cavities result.
Plaque-prevention also prevents gum pockets. Gum pockets form as the caustic chemicals in plaque that irritate and inflame gums, push the gums away from the teeth. Tooth pastes that contain fluoride damage protein molecules that normally adhere gums to teeth. Fluoride interferes with the enzyme adenosine di-phosphatase that normally delivers phosphate to calcium on teeth surfaces. Drinking water with fluoride added causes the same problems.
The medical establishment disseminates scientifically incorrect information about dental health, stating that bacteria causes tooth decay. Bacteria cannot damage the enamel (calcium hydroxy phosphate) and never causes tooth decay. Bacterial decay of the enamel is impossible because bacteria require carbon and hydrogen to live. Myriads of animal remains show that teeth and bones are resistant to earth-bound organisms.
As stated above, tooth decay and our inability to restore compromised enamel is caused by toxins in our food, environment, medicine, cosmetics, chemicals, and bad diets.
If our bodies are healthy enough, and we feed them properly, our bodies will generate bacteria to consume damaged dentin and sub-dentin cells. Bacteria act as janitors and consume the damaged tooth cells so that our bodies can replace them with healthy dental cells.
Step 1: Forgive your parents and childhood dentist as they were doing the best they knew how under the heavy pressure from the pharmaceutical company’s propaganda.
Step 2: Just like rebuilding all the cells of our body, use the same strategy for our teeth and gums. A Primal Diet of raw meats and raw fats is most supportive for new cells.
As well as, raw mineral rich foods to include oysters, shellfish, fish, cheese, and honey provide the premium nutrients to build healthy teeth and gums.
Tooth cleaning, scraping, and brushing are not necessary at all if you are on the primal diet and AVOID the list above. If you do choose to brush your teeth, the goal should be to remove citrus, caffeine, glycerin, artificial sweeteners, preservatives, chlorine, and fluoride from your teeth. As we said earlier, the best way to do this is to avoid these chemicals and acids and rinse your teeth with raw milk after eating.
If you still want to brush your teeth for emotional reasons, or to get an odor out of your mouth, this is Aajonus’ recipe: I recommend not more often than every 2-days. Use a very soft non-synthetic bristle brush. I use Natural Boar’s Hair Bristle and Bamboo Biodegreabable Tooth Brush from Gaia Guy and imagine wiping off your teeth, not rigorous brushing.
*Always reapply some fat to your teeth either in the form of raw milk or meat fat to protect and nourish your teeth. I swish a little raw milk after brushing. Chris applies bone marrow.
Plaque is the build-up of heavy metals that are eliminating from your brain and glands through your gums. If this builds up on your teeth it can cause damage and prevent your teeth from re-enamalizing.
If you have plaque building up on your teeth, add 1 tsp Raw Apple Cider Vinegar to the above recipe.
*When first beginning this procedure, use the vinegar recipe 3-days in a row to loosen plaque. Then, go to not more often than every 5-days, as the vinegar is acidic and will begin deteriorating the enamel.
I, personally, brush my teeth daily with the above formula and use raw apple cider vinegar once a week. Plaque was more prevalent for me when I began the diet and now only shows up in small amounts about every 6 months. The vinegar removes it immediately. Aajonus recommended using the Apple Cider Vinegar formula once every 5-7 days as needed to prevent plaque from attaching. It’s easier for me to remember to use the vinegar every Sunday.
Mercury fillings Removal. Mercury is a toxic heavy metal. I recommend having them removed by a certified mercury removal dentist only after being on the Primal Diet building phase for 3-5 years.
Eat 1-1.5 Tbsp no-salt cheese and 1 tsp unheated honey twice daily will strengthen teeth and gums. This should be eaten at least 15 minutes before other foods. It is more effective after a meat meal but it is effective whenever we eat it.
Eating 2 Tbsp of pineapple with 2 Tbsp no-salt-added cheese twice weekly helps knit the gums back to the teeth.
Cheese and Oil Pulling are good ways to help clean and detox the mouth.
Cheese pulling is most effective and recommended first thing in the morning, before any food. Eat a cheese cube, then pack 1-2 Tbsp raw unsalted cheese in the gums for 5 minutes, then spit and add another 1-2 Tbsp raw unsalted cheese and let it sit for 5-10 minutes.
Oil pulling is best used with raw, cold-pressed olive oil or sesame oil. Swish for at least 10 minutes. “Cold-pressed” coconut oil may be acceptable to use, works more as a solvent to help dissolve plaque and detox rather than coat the teeth with healthy fats for healing. This can be done any time of day as needed, but is most effective in evenings when brain and nervous system are dumping toxins.
Water Flossing
While nylon flossing can injure and detach the gums, if you use nylon floss, never go into the gum line staying between the teeth. Water flossing is a gentle option. Add 1Tbsp raw apple cider vinegar, fresh squeezed lemon juice, raw coconut cream, strained through an unbleached, undyed cotton fabric into Gerolsteiner. Brand recommendation – Philips Sonicare.
Cause: A result of low blood protein and sugar.
Remedy: Eat plenty of unheated honey, drink raw milk, and eat plenty of raw meat to include fish. Avoid citrus and ripe fruit. Avoid strenuous activity.
For excruciating pain: Eat ½ cup ground beef with honey and butter wait 2 hours and eat ½ unripe banana. Alternate these for 8 hours. If you are too acidic, substitute ground beef with raw milk, bee pollen, raw fish, butter, honey, and no salt cheese.
Deterioration, receding, pulling away of the gums, and loose teeth are caused by detoxification of the brain and glands in the mouth that eliminate through the gums. Sometimes caused by lactose intolerance. This can be controlled by improving mineral absorption (p. 291 We Want to Live) and AVOIDING PASTEURIZED DAIRY. Drinking raw milk with extra cream and unheated honey will promote lactose digestion. If there is still some upset, avoid milk altogether and eat plenty of raw fish.
Sipping juices slowly will prevent increased blood pressure making teeth and gums sensitive. Or, eat no-salt cheese with juices to control blood pressure and supply lacking minerals.
Drink raw fresh ginger juice and unheated honey mixed in mineral water or fresh raw vegetable juice soothes and promotes gum healing.
Pate your meat, if chewing is painful.
It takes at least 3 months on these protocols to stabilize this condition.
Be patient and eat properly and you will not need to have teeth extracted.
First of all, I would avoid going to the dentist at all cost. There is almost nothing that is absolutely a dental emergency. 90% of all dentistry is cosmetic and creates many of the problems we are going to the dentist to overcome. Most all visits can be delayed to assess the situation and decide on the healthiest route to take, which the majority of time means DO NOTHING.
All dentists, even healthy ones, will require you to have an evaluation before doing any work on your mouth. This includes X-rays, teeth cleaning and scraping, and fluoride mouth wash before doing anything.
Find a dentist that does not require ANY of these.
No. A professional cleaning and scrapping damages the enamel making the teeth more sensitive and prone to decay.
No. X-rays will not give you any more information to help you make a decision about the health of your teeth and gums. They will only destroy more healthy cells.
Yeah, let’s call them what they are MERCURY. The same mercury used by hat makers of the 18th and 19th Century coining the phrase “Mad as a Hatter” because their occupational hazard produced sideeffects of serious neurological damage to include slurred speech, tremors, stumbling, hallucinations, and insanity.. The American Dental Association likes to elicit a positive response by disassociating with “mercury” calling them “Amalgam”. To be fair, Amalgam (nice ring to it, right?) isn’t just pure mercury. It is an alloy of other lovely heavy metals like Aluminum, Copper, Silver, or Tin.
In the event that you want your mercury fillings removed (highly advised) find a certified mercury removal dentist. Dentists must go through special training with HazMat gear to protect themselves, the office staff, and the patient from mercury exposure. Doesn’t this say something about Amalgam?
Video of Mercury release test in Amalgam Filling
IABDM and IAOMT are a good place to begin looking for a healthful and aligned dentist in your area.
TAKE NOTE: Even the healthy dentists you will need to assert your rights. Other procedures to opt out of are: Novocaine injections and antibiotics neither of which are necessary for evaluating the health of your mouth or for most dental procedures to include removing or filling dental cavities, removing or installing a crown or dentures.
You will need to ADVOCATE for yourself ASSERTIVELY in EVERY dental interaction.
Here are a couple dentists that we have found to be the best with honoring patients rights:
Thomas Briton, Tijuana 619-955-6971 (Aajonus’ dentist)
Palmer Distinctive Dentistry, Greenville, SC
When filling cavities, communicate to the dentist if drill get too hot. The heat causes pain. You can let them know with a tap on the hand to stop and rest until the drill cools down. This way you won’t need any Novocaine.
If the body can’t keep up with the healing and detoxifying, and you can’t get enough food to keep up with the repair process, a root canal may be an option. I might rather have the tooth extracted.
Feed them a good Primal Diet and follow the same guidelines for humans.
I’m out of wind at 8 pages now, and each of these, I think, have complexities that require more conversation and experience in our Primal Diet Coaching group to give the best answer. In most all cases, I would opt for the least invasive option and trust the body’s wisdom.
I’m glad we still have more to figure out!!
Teeth are a window into the health of our entire body. If our teeth and gums are not healthy, it reflects the state of the whole. If our jaw is narrow and teeth brittle, it’s because our parents were malnourished and exposed to heavy toxins, and our bodies are doing the best they can with what they got.
Because of the proximity to our brain, the teeth and gums are most reflective of the toxicity stored in our brain and the evacuation channel for these heavy metals.
We should be grateful that our gums bleed, as this means our body is still doing the important work of detoxifying especially if we no longer have the assistance of our tonsils due to a tonsillectomy.
We should be grateful that our teeth are brittle, because this means our body chose to redirect vital minerals to more important areas of our skeletal system like our spine and skull.
We can now stop tooth decay and gum disease by avoiding toxic chemicals in our food and environment especially toxins we receive at routine dental visits.
We can now rebuild healthy new tooth and gum cells through the Primal Diet protocols of raw animal meats and raw fats especially raw milk, raw fish, raw unsalted cheese, and raw unheated honey.
Thank you, Aajonus, for reminding us that “Optimal Health is Our Birthright”
Phoenix and the Primal Diet Coaches
Dental Hygiene, Causes of Decay and Reversal, and Re-enamelization, by Aajonus Vonderplanitz, phd nutrition. Primal Diet News #3 – Summer 2006
We Want to Live, Aajonus Vonderplanitz, p. 316 Tooth and Gum Disorders, p. 297 Tooth pain and Gum Sensitivity, p. 305 Pyorrhea, p. 291 Mineral Absorption)
Subscriber’s question: Do People On Primal Diet Have More Gum And Tooth Diseases?, by Aajonus Vonderplanitz, Primal Diet News #18-Late Summer 2009
Recipe for Living Without Disease, Aajonus Vonderplanitz
Cure Tooth Decay, by Ramiel Nagel (book)
Dental Health Letter, Gerald Judd
Good Teeth from Birth to Death, Gerald Judd, (downloadable pdf-KUPDF)
Good Teeth Birth to Death, Gerald Judd, ( downloadable pdf)
Good Teeth Birth to Death, (e-book Internet Archive)
International Foundation for Nutrition and Health (Royal Lee Foundation)
Man Versus Toothache, George W. Heard
Nutrition and Physical Degeneration, Weston A. Price
Uninformed Consent: The Hidden Dangers in Dental Care, by Hal Higgins