The goal of this article is to bring your attention to the environmental toxins that we unconsciously or consciously expose
Who will win the war on salt?
Salt wasn’t a thing before the agricultural revolution 5000 years ago. Since, salt has made it’s debut, it has been the cause of war and destruction to human health and life on earth.
How did this all come about?
Before humans began living in cities, we were mostly nomadic shepherds. Shepherds didn’t need salt to preserve their food because they just killed a sheep or milked it daily to get all the healthy live nutrition they needed. For those who think we need added salt in our diets for health, think twice.
There is plenty of Sodium, Potassium, Iodine, and Magnesium in animal foods, seafood, and milk that no addition is needed. However, when we switch over to a vegetarian diet, now we become deficient in these minerals.
When Pharaohs began enslaving humans, it was a financial decision to feed the slaves grains and to store food in salt. The Pharaohs could now control the food and thus control the people.
The monopoly over salt, food, and people spread across the globe to rulers of every country – to China, to India, and finally to Europe and the New World. Salt monopolies we not broken up until the 20th Century, initiated by Gandhi. It’s been big business and high stakes for the winners and slave wages and bad health for the losers.
The word “salary” comes from the Latin word salt. Soldiers and workers got paid in salt.
Salt, not money, is the root of all evil.
As a matter of fact in the bible story, Lot’s wife is turned into a pillar of salt when looking back at the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah as they are destroyed for their evil ways.
Just because slaves were hired to mine salt for the bosses, didn’t mean than humans ate salt for health. Their freaking paycheck can in the form of salt!!
What would you do if you got paid in Snickers bars?
You might start eating them. Or if you were me, I’d trade them for fresh, unsalted, uncooked meat.
In Ayurvedic medicine, salt is one of the five TASTES. It is not one the five recommended FOODS. As I said, we get this taste from many food items. And even these salty tasting food items are not recommended for people with either a Pita or a Kapha body type. Therefore, Pita’s should eat more white meat than red. And, Vata’s benefit more from red meat which is higher in salty TASTE. Have you ever tasted your blood? It taste’s just like salt.
Fast forward to this century.
Table salt is the catalyst in the development of ALL diseases in most people.
Numerous health experts that it increases risk of hypertension, cardiovascular disease, stroke, and kidney disease.
One most prominent risks for disability in the world are diets high in sodium. The others are sugar, air pollution, and alcohol (Lim, Stephen S.; Vos, Theo; Flaxman, Abraham D.; Danaei, Goodarz; Shibuya, Kenji; Adair-Rohani, Heather; Amann, Markus; Anderson, H. Ross; Andrews, Kathryn G. (15 December 2012). “A comparative risk assessment of burden of disease and injury attributable)
In our bodies, mineral salts that are not naturally present in food, imbalances our systems causing many diseases including cellular dehydration, edema, high blood pressure, headaches, bone diseases, and malformations.
Now let’s look at the salt production process.
Before the Agricultural era, salt was obtained by harvesting sea kelp.
The kelp plants were added to dishes to get the flavor and ALL the nutrients the fresh kelp provided. Eventually the Kelp was dried for ease of transport and storage, losing the bioavailabiltiy of the food source and isolating the minerals.
Nowadays, Salt is either derived by Mining, Solar drying, or Salt-Brining.
Salt production is the largest non-fuel producing destructive activity to our planet’s environment. I don’t think I need to go into the massive destruction mining industry creates and amount of energy, fuel and water needed and the destruction to plant, animal and human habitats.
Salt-brining isn’t any better.
This method takes our fresh water and injects in into fissures in the earth which mixes with oil and salt and what ever the hell else and gets extracted and the salt in refined out of this goop.
Both of these methods, mining and brining cause horrific damage to the environment, use astronomical amount of resources and likely are loaded with all kinds of heavy metals that we EAT.
Now, don’t get fooled by the last method, Solar Salt. All this means is that solar photovoltaic panel energy is involved in the extraction process. We all know what a scam this is. Can you imagine how much fossil fuel is needed to MINE minerals like silica, aluminum, quartz, etc to fabricate solar panel and ship them to refineries to evaporate salt?
Again, astronomical waste of natural resources.
There is one process which still has honor and isn’t as destructive which is true SUN-DRIED salt. There are very few companies that do this. You can do it yourself, by taking ocean water and laying it out in a shallow pan or pool and actual use the sun’s rays to evaporate the water. No heating. No processing. But, even this has the risk of containing heavy metals from our contaminated oceans.
Then, the salt industry, just like the water and the cereal industry, fool us into thinking they hare are HELPING us stay healthy by adding other minerals to our salt because mineral deficiency is epidemic in this country. So, they add iodine, fluoride, potassium, magnesium supplemental refined minerals to the salt FOR US. Gee thanks!
Wouldn’t it be helpful if they just recommended to us to eat more meat, fish, and milk?
Salt has become one of the biggest killers of life on the planet. I don’t know how many millions of tons of salt get used in agriculture, water treatment, chemical production, de-icing, and other industrial use cases.
Read these to learn about the environmental destruction salting our roads does to all the plants and critters:
- How Road Salt Harms the Environment
- Environmental impacts of road salt and other de-icing chemicals
- Road Salt Works But It is Also Bad for the Environment
- A review of environmental impacts of salts from produced waters on aquatic resources
- Environmental Impact Assessment of Harvesting Salt from Salt Lakes
Mineral salts are plant-food, not food for humans. If they were food for humans, we could live on dirt. The vegetable kingdom makes a wonderful use of mineral salts, in balanced ratios, to grow healthfully and strong. After they make the salts into bioactively available substances, we can juice their leaves, stalks, and roots or even better eat animals that eat the vegetables and grasses and drink their milk to obtain sufficient concentrations of those minerals to stay healthy and vibrant.
Salt (sodium chloride) when in a bioavailable form (which only comes from live foods) is life giving, when isolated and processed and taken without all the other bioindicators it causes death. This is the differences between chemistry and biochemistry. The chemist will tell us EMFs are not hazardous and our bodies are also electrical fields. The biochemists will disagree, stating that manufacturing nonhuman non-natural frequencies are killing our children’s brains.
Anytime we consume a heated, processed, isolated mineral, we poison ourselves.
- Salt turns into kidney stones and causes kidney disease.
- Salt crystals form in the joints to cause arthritis.
- Salt blocks nerve conductivity.
- Salt crystals form in the inner ear to cause Vertigo.
- Salt dries out our tissues and our skin.
- Salt irritates our blood vessels and contributes to hypertension, anxiety, atherosclerosis, and stroke.
- Salt displaces the natural occurring sodium, potassium and magnesium in our bodies leaving us deficient in these minerals leading to bone loss and degeneration.
Salt increases the problems we think we are trying to ameliorate by eating salt.
Have you ever used salt to kill slugs in the garden?
Try sprinkling salt on them and watch how they shrivel up and die. This is what happens to our tissues in our body when we eat salt.
Try drinking a cup of ocean water and see how you feel.
What about Epson Salts?
Epsom Salts are recommended to drink to help relieve constipation. This is because your body, after drinking Epsom salt, goes into mass evacuation mode to get the crap out of your body fast. You could die if you drank too much salt water. I would never take salt internally. Epsom Salts are highly refined and do not come from pure evaporated ocean water. It is often a waste product from the chemical industry just like Vitamin E.
True sun-dried salt water on your skin, however, can soothe and pull moisture (inflammation) out of the body helping to reduce swelling and pain via the bathtub. But, even then, be sure to add raw apple cider vinegar and or milk to the bath water to prevent your skin for drying out.
And, always apply some raw unsalted butter or raw olive oil to your skin before swimming in the ocean.
What about swimming in salt water pools or bromide hot tubs?
Again, this is the difference between chemistry and biochemistry. The salt water is not natural ocean water. This is manufactured salt water and manufactured Bromide. All which are certainly better for your body than straight up chlorine, but still death-giving over time. I would avoid any sterilized environment and chose a pool with algae growing in it. Then, I would know that it is a habitat for biological life. If you are squeamish about algae, then add some raw apple cider vinegar to the water. This has been the natural cleaner of choice for thousands of years.
“The only way we can receive the benefits of these minerals is in live foods along with all the other minerals, enzymes, and live nutrients”.
~ Judith DeCava, author of The Real Truth About Vitamins and Antioxidants.
There is more salt in animal tissues, such as meat, blood, and milk, than in plant tissues. Nomads who subsist on their flocks and herds do not eat salt with their food, but agriculturalists, feeding mainly on cereals and vegetable matter, need to supplement their diet with salt. (Wood, Frank Osborne. “Salt (NaCl)”. Encyclopædia Britannica online. Archived from the original on 2 May 2015. Retrieved 9 October 2013.)
What about something like soy sauce for someone on a cooked diet vs. regular salt?
A cooked diet of meat, milk, and fish does not require added salt. However, a vegetarian diet likely would be deficient in these minerals. If it was organic fermented soybeans made in old-traditional ways, it could be beneficial, but since the ingredients of most soy sauces including Kikkoman’s Organic includes wheat and added salt – throw it over your shoulder to scare off vampires.
Real Life Examples
I, personally, have not been eating salt for 25 years and getting plenty of it from meat, fish, milk, and celery juice. I had a physical for my life insurance renewal and the testing technician, after evaluating my results, said she had not seen anybody in her 20-years of work in as good of condition as me and gave me the best and lowest premium.
Neither my wife, my son, or I rarely ever eat any food with salt on it. When we do, we always get puffy eyes, sore throats, and constipation, and vow never to do that again.
Several clients of mine have recovered from serious disability and disease processes by eliminating salt from their diet.
I know people who died of strokes and heart attacks who were warned to quit salt before it was too late.
Again, salt on food is a modern phenomenon created by Pharaohs to enslave us. And, before the agricultural revolution, salt was NOT a thing, and people were rather healthy with almost no heart disease.
In my opinion, the worst things we could eat for our health are SALT, SUGAR, ALCOHOL, and CAFFEINE.
So, if you want to save the planet, save your health, and break out of slavery, Say NO to SALT.