Aajonus brought himself back from the grips of death at the hands of the American Medical Association. He dedicated his
Primal Dieters young and old, new and seasoned shared their challenges and victories in staying connected to friends, family, and co-workers as well as dating and schooling.
People expressed everything from feeling deep loneliness while living a double life to not giving a hoot and letting the chips fall where they may.
Some of the bigger challenges included working in a corporate setting. Some coped by when in Rome, doing as theRomans do and feeling nauseous afterwards. Others left the crap food scene to go home to eat raw meat and come back like nothing unusual was going on.
A couple folks shared their dating and relationship experiences being attracted to someone on the Primal Diet and how they got wooed in with milkshakes and raw pies and after seeing the health benefits for their partners and their pets, decided to join in.
Homeschooling has been a big challenge. Even the healthiest, green, outdoor education programs only go so far as teaching the kids to make organic clay-oven baked pizza, tons of gluten-free pasta, and fruit, fruit, fruit. Because the making of the food is part of the curriculum, it’s impossible to include a Primal child into this scene.
Some of us, attend the Nourishing Traditions events under the scrutiny of Sally Fallon, trying to meet other Primal Dieters.
One young primal dieter mentioned that Instagram has been a wonderful resource for meeting other PD’ers.
Some of the potluck strategies include eating before going, bringing a raw pie, raw cheese, raw milk, or sushi.
Several folks only wished to have a break from coaching and education mode to just to be able sit down and enjoy one meal with friends without having to explain everything.
And, some folks, just show up as their natural selves, trying not to terrify people, but eating the Primal Diet without making any excuses.
Some family members seriously think we are trying to kill them with our raw dishes.
They slide a “cuzie” over their mason jar so it looked less suspect. They also add raw cream on top so if people doinquire it just looked like meat with a delicious sauce. Then, they answer questions in the order they come. Sometimes one answer does it. Other people ask more questions. The conversation can go like this:
“What are you eating?” Beef with a cream sauce (or custard). “Oh.”
“What kind of sauce/custard?” It’s delicious; it tastes like lemon meringue pie/ice cream.
“What is it made of?” Room temperature butter, eggs, fresh lemon juice and honey, in the blender.
“Ooooh, that sounds good. How much of each so I can try making it?” I’ll email you the recipe if you like.
“Yes, please, here is my email address.” I send the recipe and the name of the book it came from.
“Is your meat raw?” Yes, I like it that way best. I prefer the taste and texture raw, better than cooked. Have you evertried Steak tar-tar? There are many recipes to eat beef raw, from all around the world, often served in restaurants.
We spent the entire two hours sharing stories and connecting. It seemed like some venting was needed and we all held space for this to happen.
One of the objectives of the Primal Diet Coaching Community is to offer a venue for bringing Primal Dieters together.Our classes are educational and a place to connect with others and feel seen and heard.
I imagine this community will be a place for Primal Dieters to find friends, make business partners, and meet romantic partners.
Our virtual meetings are a great place to meet, relax and hang out with your peeps in a respectful place. We extended the next in-person Primal Diet Conference to four days (dates are July 17-20, 2025) so folks can have more relaxation and social time. You can even come a day earlier or stay a day later to help us set up and clean up and connect with others.The last conference many new friends were made.
So, if you are ready to start engaging with other Primal Dieters, bring your Primal children together with other Primalkids, are interested in business ventures with other PDers, and/or creating farms and community, come join us.
Click Here to read about our Mission and Vision
Click Here to read about our Primal Diet Retreat Center Vision
Click Here to learn more about our Events
If you know someone who is new to the Primal Diet and would like to invite them into our community, direct them first to read We Want to Live and The Recipe For Living Without Disease and to our Primal Diet 101- Intro Class . We’ll get a chance to meet our new friends, answer questions about the Primal Diet, and assess if we area good community fit. We host this class monthly and virtually. The next class is Sunday, September 8th6-7pm EST.
We encourage everyone to attend the Primal Diet 101 Intros as a place to meet others and connect. Evenshare some of your wisdom with newcomers.
I’ll leave you with this heartwarming story, from Valerie, who shares the rich rewards in making friends while being herself on the Primal Diet.
“This series of events has been so natural in our lives, yet worth telling because it’s likely enlivening for others to hear it.
Around 2012 as a professional illustrator I was asked to do some drawings for a book including stories about a mother and her children in Africa. At our spiritual center I had just met a couple and their baby who had recently moved toTexas from a big city in Nigeria. I like to do my drawings realistically, from live photos and realized I should ask themother if she would pose as a model for photos for me to draw from. She and I were very shy at first, but eventually I had her showing me her African dresses she might wear to best tell the particular stories. Thus began a best-friend relationship lasting to this day as we found many ways we enjoyed spending time together.
Early on she divorced her husband, and struggled as a single mom in a new country, soon joining the Navy Reserves as away to stay afloat. She called me from boot camp as she had broken her ankle and had just had surgery (and needed a ride). I picked her up, brought her to our house and fed her Moisturizing Formula with bee pollen. She was so impressed that it had taken away the pain. And her ankle healed quickly.
Since her grandparents had a farm, she was familiar with eating eggs AV style and often snacked on eggs from the shell with us (like on car trips we took together). She loved the raw beef. She was curious to learn more about high meat andread some from AV’s books. She was accustomed to buying meat and fish in the open market, not well refrigerated. So it was normal to be casual about bringing home slightly aged meat for supper.
We had some high meat in the fridge, so for fun we created a short picnic in the back yard, using some small leftover flagstone pieces for plates, warmed them in the summer sun and served ourselves some high meat outdoors. The flies found our morsels right away, but we just laughed and shooed them away.
She is comfortable with PD and will eat with us, but in her home usually prepares her familiar Nigerian dishes for her family. I expect if she had health issues she would consider PD. Another factor is being able to support the cost of PD and the extra time to acquire the right foods. She is very busy making a living.
Well, maybe this story opens the door to making new friends with people more open to natural ways of eating. I am not saying any of her Nigerian friends would be comfortable with PD, but that when you share openly with love and care you may be surprised who is interested.”
Our events are not the only place to meet. Asheville hosts monthly Primal Potlucks & Q&A’s. LA is starting a PrimalPotluck. We encourage you to coordinate a Primal Potluck and Q&A in your area. We can even consider sending a coach to your area to help facilitate this and answer questions. Get the Signal app and join our lively Primal Diet chat. You can also post on the new Member’s Only PrimalDiet.net “Forum” to find other people and resources in your area.
So, come join us and learn how to navigate the non-Primal Diet world, and create a rewarding social life with other Primal Dieters.
See you soon!
In Optimal Health,
Primal Diet Coaching