
PD Con Rawsome

PD Con Rawsome

Our 1st Inaugural “Eat Fat and Be Happy” Primal Diet Conference Rocked the Rawsome!!! Meeting 35 new people in-person from all over the country, making friends, eating the healthiest food on the planet, and supporting our mission of promoting optimal health through eating raw meats and fats aligned with the wisdom of nature. Here’s What People Said Amazing!  Food was incredible!!!  Enjoyed the comradery and meeting others on the diet Experienced coaches shared invaluable information Loved the farm tours and butchering demonstrations Learned delicious ways to prepare raw chicken Something for beginners as well as veterans The men’s group and the women’s group were vulnerable and healing Great to see Jim Ellingson and honor Aajonus Can’t wait till the next one!  The invitation for each attendee over the weekend was to gain some new awareness about their health, gain some new friends, and gain 5 pounds. We hope this was

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25 Ways to Harness The Five Elements to Improve Your Everyday Health

25 Ways to Harness The Five Elements to Improve Your Everyday Health

A quick scan of Google will pull up thousands of different things you can do to improve your health—whether it’s getting more sleep, eating more vegetables, or drinking more water. (And those are just the obvious ones.) If you dig a little deeper, you can find even more information about all the toxins swirling around our everyday lives—pollutants, BPAs, cellphone radiation, etc. It’s overwhelming, and it can sometimes feel like a losing battle.

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Goodbye to Eight Glasses of Water

Say Goodbye to Eight Glasses of Water a Day

If you were planning a trek across the Sahara Desert and could pick only one drink to take with you, what would you pick? It’s highly likely that your answer would be, “WATER, of course.” You may be shocked to find out that you made the wrong choice

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Healthy Ice Cream

Healthy Ice Cream

When the weather gets hot, who doesn’t want ice cream?

I’ve been on the Primal Diet™ since 2000 and these have been our family’s GO TO’s every Summer (and sometimes Winter as well). Here is a Berry Good Healthy Ice Cream Recipe.

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Primal First Aid

Primal First Aid

Getting your body healthy on the Primal Diet will improve your thinking, your reflexes, and your response time. With a healthier body, you will not react as severely to injury and insult and you will heal more rapidly. 

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Fresh Raw Green Vegetable Juices

Fresh raw green vegetable juices provide more than the necessary vitamin-, enzyme-, and mineral-supplementation that is necessary to help regulate body salts lost in daily activity, increase oxygen absorption, remove plaque from arteries and intestines, eliminate toxicity from the liver and other glands, provide proper blood alkalinity, and decrease lymphatic congestion…

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Pregnancy & The Primal Diet

Preparing for a healthy pregnancy begins with prioritizing the parents’ health. This process ideally begins with your parents’ parents. As the reader you have limited control over this and maximum control of your own state of being. By optimizing your health physically, emotionally and spiritually you are setting intentions and creating a healthy, loving and welcoming environment for your child to enter this world…

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Curing Allergies and Asthma

I didn’t come home from the hospital for two weeks after I was born. I needed oxygen therapy and Albuterol treatments, they said, because I had asthma and allergies. As a child, I was in and out of doctors offices with fits of wheezing, coughing, difficulty breathing, and difficulty sleeping…

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Insomnia & The Primal Diet

My insomnia was caused by an adrenaline detox. I arrived at this conclusion because I started waking up around 1:00 to 2:00 a.m. very alert and I would try to go back to sleep, if I was able to go back to sleep at all, I would still wake up every hour on the hour…

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